Information to help ensure your visit to the Port runs safely and efficiently.
Quick links:
You can listen into VTS safety broadcasts on VHF radio channels 12 & 14, weekdays and weekends.
Notices to Mariners will be posted as they become live on weekdays (excluding Bank Holidays). We also offer a 6pm round up of any notices posted that day (weekdays only, excluding Bank Holidays). You can subscribe for free. Once subscribed you'll be able to choose between a summary of the notices with links to the website, or full versions. And you can unsubscribe at any time.

Need to report an incident?

Looking for lock times for Milford Marina?
IMPORTANT NOTE: Please be aware that the Port Guidelines are regularly updated. If you choose to save to your files it is your responsibility to ensure you always referring to the most up to date version. The document is date controlled and new changes marked in red in the body of the document.
Port Guidelines
Pilotage Directions & General Directions 2016
Byelaws 1984
Master/Pilot Exchange Form and Passage Plan
Pilot Boarding Arrangements
Pilotage Exemption Certificate Requirements
South Hook Swinging Area Plan
Marine Works Licence Application Pack
Towage Guidelines
Dive Notification Proforma
Information for Seafarers
Guide to Milford Haven VTS
MHPA Schedule 2 Checklist