1.  MARINERS ARE HEREBY ADVISED that, to commemorate and recognize the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings a number of small craft will congregate in the vicinity of Milford Shelf (approx Posn 51˚42.2N 005˚01.8W) for 11:00hrs on the 6th June 2024 to participate in a vessel horn salute. The salute will be lead by WW2 restored Air Sea Rescue launch 441 that was used in the English Channel to rescue pilots. There will also be at least one Svitzer harbour tug in attendance to undertake a water cannon salute.

2.  If safe to do so, and with permission of the relative terminal if alongside and VTS if underway, vessels are welcome to, on hearing the lead vessel (Rescue Launch 441) to also sound their own salute on the ships whistle.

3.  Mariners transiting the area and not partaking of the service are required to pass this area with caution and observe minimum wake.

4.  Further details of the operation and traffic volume can be obtained from Milford Haven VTS on VHF Ch 12

5.  Admiralty chart 3275 and Imray Y26 & 2600 ATLAS refer.

6.  This notice will self-cancel on 6th June 2024 at 2359 local time.




Port of Milford Haven
Gorsewood Drive
Milford Haven
SA73 3EP

Tel: 01646 696100
Email: enquiries@mhpa.co.uk