1.  MARINERS ARE HEREBY ADVISED that, from the 29th May for approximately 12 days, Plough Dredging will be undertaken at Valero Pembrokeshire Oil Terminal (VPOT) in the north eastern corners of both berth 2 & 3.

2. The Work Boat “FORTH TROJAN” will be undertaking the task by towing a plough dredger along the seabed. She will be showing the day shapes and/ or lights as per the appropriate regulations and maintaining listening watch on VHF12

3.  The work is being completed within VPOT’s berth boxes, when there are no vessels moored on that berth, dredging operations will be on hold during arrival or departure of vessels for both berths, Master to confirm movements with VTS prior commencing and again on completion.

4.  For further details please contact Milford Haven VTS on:

                   i. VHF channel 12
                  ii. Telephone 01646 696100
                 iii. Email vts@mhpa.co.uk

5.  Admiralty Charts 3274, Imray Y26 & 2600 ATLAS refer.

6.  This Notice will be self-cancelled at 2359hrs 10th June 2024


Port of Milford Haven
Gorsewood Drive
Milford Haven
SA73 3EP

Tel: 01646 696100
Email: enquiries@mhpa.co.uk